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Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Monday Under Construction Template - Wordpress Theme Download

Monday Under Construction Template - Under Construction Specialty Pages


“Monday” is a under construction HTML template featuring:

- A minimalist design
- Responsive so looks great on all devices
- Image Slideshow Background option (check demo)
- Animated Portfolio Thumbnail Background option (check demo)
- Countdown feature
- PHP email subscription form to send email addresses to you without an external system.
- Easily add Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, TinyLetter etc. complete with instructions on how to set that up in the documentation.
- Progress Percentage bar
- HTML 5

Lato font from Google Web Fonts:
Social media icons from Icon Dock:
Demo is using background images from Premium Pixels (


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 06.22

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